Compliments; good. Daytime TV; bad!

TV off, music on, problem solved!
So, today I had my Japanese lesson, (which is getting easier, perhaps I'm making progress?!), but as much as I love my Japanese lessons, I do not like the fact that I have to get up at the god-forsaken hour of 8am! Unheared of for a bird who works 12-9. Hence I usually arrive looking a little dishevelled (large undertstatement). Today I rolled up in combats, crumpled t-shirt, no make-up and wet hair scraped up on top of my head.
Now, in England, this kind of appearance is usually greeted with, 'Looking a little rough today, Vic', or, 'Late night last night?', something along those lines. Not here. My Japanese teacher, bless her, squeals, 'Kawaii! Purincesu mitai!' (How cute, you look like a princess!).
It seems that wet, scraggly blond hair can pass for Cinderella's beautiful, wavy locks in a land where hair is generally straight and black. Perhaps, then, one should never leave Japan?
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