
I'm on a voyage of self-discovery, but I seem to be going round in circles - could you give me some directions?

October 10, 2005

Kabuki part 2

Yo, Kitty-Cat, this one's for you!

I went to see Kabuki - again. I'd decided that once was enough, but I was cunningly tricked by my friends into seeing it again. The little monkeys lured me to Ginza with the promise of beer and cheap food courtesy of Pete's student's parent's - they own an izakaya in Ginza.

After a wee wander around the Gin, we find ourselves outside Kabuki-za.

"What are we doing here?", I enquire.

"Oh, my sister is queuing for tickets", replies Pete's student, Koichi.

"We're going to see Kabuki?"

"Didn't Pete mention it?", says Karli. Pete chuckles. So, off we go to fight for the cheap seats at the back.

It lasted an hour. An hour! A whole hour squished into one of those teeny little seats. However, it was actually not that bad. Better than the last one. I even chuckled once. And I only closed my eyes a couple of times...


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