
Now, as a Brit, baseball doesn't rank too highly on my list of favourite sports. All those people standing around doing a whole lotta nothing. All those zeros on the score board. All that strategy. All that time - a game lasts hours! I like my sports fast-paced, relatively simple and exciting. In other words, I love footy.
However, I gave baseball a chance, and after watching my third live game, I'm a little hooked...
All those people standing around doing nothing are waiting for an opportunity. All those zeros on the scoreboard are compensated for by a bunch of stats. All that strategy keeps your mind ticking over with possibilities. All that time - a whole afternoon drinking beer and catching up with friends!
But really I just go for the music and the atmosphere. Each batter has there own song, which blares out across the stadium as they come out to bat (any player that chooses a Destiny's Child song is a favourite of mine!). And those hardcore fans partying-it-up are fun to watch when there's not too much happening on the pitch. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the cheerleaders! Always wanted to be a cheerleader...
Of course, understanding the rules helps. I'm getting there!
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