The adventure begins....
So, mumsy and her friend, Lorraine, came to visit me this xmas, and oh what fun we had! My mum might tell you different, she might say I marched her around Tokyo like an army general, but don't listen to her - she's fibbing!
This is me and mum with my former manager, Kumiko (yes, I know she doesn't look old enough to be out of nappies, but I promise you she's 24!). Kumi was our guide and chauffeur for the day, but dear lord I've never experienced driving quite like it!! This one, lovely as she is, can't keep on the left side of the road, and has a tendency to scream when large vehicles are coming the other way!! Even with in-car-navi, which shows you where you're reversing, she had a small panic attack and had to be instructed on which way to turn the wheel!!
Ah yes, you may be interested to know where we are, we're in a place called Musashi-Itsukaichi, a beautiful little place right on the west end of Tokyo that most folk living in Tokyo have never heard of! I used to live near there (that was pants - took almost 2 hours to get to a nightclub!). Gloriously sunny winter day.
And look at this - a frozen waterfall! I ain't never seen nowt like this before! Well, I'm not exactly well travelled, but I though this was damn cool, very cool, freezing actually - cold enough to freeze the nuts off a squirrel. After ambling around this pretty little place for a while, dragging little mumsy behind us in her heels (!), we stoppeed at a little shack to eat jellied potatoes and hairy potatoes. Yum. God bless the countryside.
And this is just day one of Jen, Lol and BicBic's adventures in Japan, the tip of the ice-berg (literally, we spent the rest of the holiday shivering, quivering and complaining about the damn cold - winter's just rude, really).

And this is just day one of Jen, Lol and BicBic's adventures in Japan, the tip of the ice-berg (literally, we spent the rest of the holiday shivering, quivering and complaining about the damn cold - winter's just rude, really).
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